Repetitive, expensive, unbalanced...
- Game Play; You see one dungeon, youve seen them all in this very short game (unless you want to pay for overpriced IAP). The dungeons are repetitive with only a few types of enemies to fight (see $$ IAP) making it hard to not get bored quickly. Since dungeons and fights with the same limited creatures are all there is, its hard to rate it this highly on content. The story line is simple to follow with little thought needed and the game mechanics are a breeze with little learning curve. A LOT of side quests will be needed to make enough gold to build characters after the first few levels because gold is scarce for levelling and purchases(see $$ IAP).
- Characters; 4 character choices, for 4 character slots (see $$ IAP)
- Graphics; The graphics in the game are pretty good, though they get old and lose lustre quickly with the frustration of limited game play. It would have been nice to see a 3D environment, rather than a top down one. The cutscenes when entering towns were well done
- IAP; Games Workshop has never been known for low prices. At present the IAPs total over $40! Include the initial purchase and users can expect to drop around $50 for full content. That doesnt include the option to purchase gold each time you come up short, and that will happen a lot. The initial content is so limited that it almost seems like youre being pushed into the IAP menu. Its console price for a poor phone/tablet product.
- Overview; I expected more from RodeoGames. I enjoyed the Hunters series, but this doesnt even come close. Previous games by these Devs havent even come remotely close to the IAPs in this App. Maybe pairing with Games Workshop for this title was a mistake and they would have done better with an independent fantasy version of Hunters.
Val-Tyr about
Warhammer Quest, v1.22