Good: Gameplay, music, inventory system, quests
Bad: Starting area too small, too expensive for extra characters, limited replay value
I rarely play games on iPad. Theyre not THAT much fun and I have PC. Yet one of the reasons I bought my iPad was to play this game, as it was not available on other devices at the time.
The game itself is great for what you get with the initial purchase. It follows the rules of the original game almost exactly. I commend the designers for recognizing a good thing. All too often when a tabletop game is ported to digital, something gets lost in translation. That is NOT the case here.
The bad part is that the starting area only gives you about 15 hours of gameplay. After that you have to buy other areas to explore. That would be alright, except after that time, the game becomes a little repetitive.
The extra characters you can buy are overpriced, and after you buy them, do you really want to grind through the same game again (assuming you didnt buy them as your starting characters)?
In summary, a MUST own game for iPad. iPhone too small to really enjoy this game. Do not need the extra content to have fun.
Prettyflybrownguy about Warhammer Quest